Thank you for a wonderful event

Dear participants of the 14th International Tunneling and Underground Structures Conference,

Zahvaljujemo se vam za vašo izjemno udeležbo na letošnji konferenci, ki je bila resnično uspešna in izpopolnjena s številnimi zanimivimi razpravami, predavanji in izmenjavo strokovnega znanja. Vaša strast do raziskovanja in izmenjave izkušenj je prispevala k bogatemu in poučnemu dogodku, ki bo gotovo imel dolgotrajen vpliv na naše razumevanje predorov in podzemnih objektov. Hvaležni smo, da ste si vzeli čas in delili svoje strokovno znanje, in s tem prispevali k razvoju naše skupne dediščine znanja.

We hope you have enjoyed inspiring discussions, creative ideas and useful connections among fellow professionals. We look forward to meeting you again at future events and further sharing experience and knowledge.

ITA Slovenia, Slovenian Society for Underground Construction

14th International Tunnelling and Underground Structures Conference

The Slovenian Society for Underground Structures, ITA Slovenia, organized the 14th International Tunnelling and Underground Structures Conference. From November 15 to 17, we socialized at various locations, and the central event was at the Austria Trend Hotel in Ljubljana.

Wednesday, 15th 11. 2023

Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana
Dunajska c. 154, Ljubljana

Workshop on Maintenance and Management of Tunnels

A full-day workshop on the maintenance and management of tunnels, where we opened interesting discussions, listened to current topics and exchanged opinions and experiences with internationally renowned experts.

Workshop for Young Members

A special session for young engineers, featuring engaging presentations, collaborative workshop, and valuable networking opportunities.

Thursday, 16th 11. 2023

Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana
Dunajska c. 154, Ljubljana

Technical Sessions

The central event of the conference, where many domestic experts and foreign guests lectured on the topics of modern underground construction, their latest projects and challenges faced by the profession.

This time, under expert guidance, we went to the construction site of the second Divača-Koper track. Bus transport was organized, the point of departure will be P&R Doli most. Lunch was also provided!

  • Planning and Research
  • Design
  • Construction and Maintenance
Friday, 17th 11. 2023

Construction site of the second
railway track Divača–Koper

Technical Tour

This time, under expert guidance, we went to the construction site of the second Divača-Koper track. Bus transport was organized, the point of departure will be P&R Doli most. Lunch was also provided!


*Excursion registrations are no longer possible.



Ljubljana and Ljubljana Castle bear witness to the city’s ancient past. A walk to the castle hill rewards you with a magnificent view. If you want to spend a few minutes in peace at the same time, you can escape from the city garden to the beautiful Tivoli Park in the city center. The ancient Roman wall gives an idea of what Ljubljana looked like 2,000 years ago, when the Roman Emona stood here.

Visit Ljubljana, Surroundings & Activities

Ljubljanski grad nad mestom

Austria Trend Hotel

At the Hotel Ljubljana we offer eleven extraordinary conference rooms on a total area of 830 m², suitable for any kind of event – ranging from smaller meetings to conferences with up to 600 guests. Video conferences are available. All our conference rooms feature state-of-the-art facilities and many technological highlights.

Meetings & events

Austria Trend Hotel


You are invited to view the prepared proceedings of the conference, on the right in the attachment.